Current Challenges
Global shipping is facing major challenges. In addition to strong fluctuations in capacity utilization, exacerbated by disruptions in the supply chains, the requirements for climate protection and the reduction of the CO2 footprint are increasing. In turn, disrupted supply chains also affect the punctual supply of ships with personnel as well as maintenance and spare parts. And the digitalization of many processes presents shipping companies, ship management companies and training and further education institutions with the decision of which solutions are most relevant to their own business model.

Why CML?
The Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services CML develops innovative solutions for the maritime sector and the associated supply chain. Engineers, mathematicians and IT specialists work together to design suitable solutions for your challenges and support you in the classification process with models that provide decision-making aids. Big data analyses, machine learning and quantum computing can deliver simple results when solving complex issues, which can be incorporated into existing systems and leverage optimization potential. In the innovation field of shipping, these are
- Physical and virtual models of networked systems including cloud connection
- Machine Learning
- Artificial Intelligence