Report "Quantum Computing in Industrial Applications"

Four Domains - Four Case Studies

To ensure that the industry is well equipped to utilize the breakthrough technology of quantum computing once it matures, early adoption and exploration of quantum solutions will become increasingly important. Therefore, applied quantum research that combines theoretical research and practical implementation is crucial.

In this context, the Hamburg Fraunhofer Institutes (CML, IAP, IAPT and ITMP) founded the virtual organization “Fraunhofer Industry Application Center Quantum Computing Hamburg (Fraunhofer IQHH)”. Within the IQHH, four relevant industrial applications were formalized and suitable quantum algorithms were successfully implemented and executed on simulators and real quantum computers.

The four use cases belong to four different business areas:

▪ Maritime logistics 

▪ Catalyst research 

▪ Additive manufacturing 

▪ Discovery of pharmaceuticals 


The report has been published in English.


© Fraunhofer CML

Title:                           Quantum Computing in Industrial Applications

Authors:                     Valeria Bartsch et al.  

Published:                  2025

Language:                  Englisch

Price:                           Free Publication

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